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This section explains the “Why” behind the Altus Education model, and the reason this is the model of the future and the Mission.

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An exciting, Industry specialized, experiential learning, problem-solving, and project-based Student Leadership Program for ambitious High Schoolers to “differentiate” themselves in the Top School/ Ivy League admission process.


Only those who attempt the absurd can achieve the impossible


2020. The world just changed right in front of our eyes. The old rules, structures, and systems are all changing rapidly and in flux. The stock market is at it’s highest when millions have claimed unemployment. When millions of small businesses were wiped out, the rich became a couple of billions richer. Now add the change in societal structures, Industry, Technology, mindset shifts, and uncertainty. 

We all are in a state of paradox! A New World with a new set of rules is being written. 

Today’s “High Schoolers” will have to prepare for unprecedented change and adaptability to navigate through the “traditional old” to the “emerging new”. They will require an entirely different set of skills, education, life experience, values, and leadership to “rise higher” from the traditional. 

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Altus – Latin for “to rise higher, to elevate, to differentiate”

Altus Education is a revolutionary top college preparation education program for student leaders who want to rise above the paradox. Not only is a Top School education a must, but Entrepreneurial skills, Industry-focused skills, professional connections, hands-on projects, and problem-solving experience that creates impact along with financial literacy and law is a mandate for the new world. 

If you are a dreamer, mover, shaker, and have a strong discipline to make your dreams a reality – the unique Altus Education model will get you there.  This program is best for those students, who think big and want to make a big difference in the world.

MIT Culture


Top schools like MIT succeed because they focus on the right culture. The picture above shows exactly how they define “culture,” which ultimately defines how they select students, teach them, build and shape them. The more successful the student, the more successful it is MIT. Period! 

A student can clearly observe the paradox between the High School Education System and MIT’s culture. A good GPA is a pre-requisite but will never get you there to these Top Schools / Ivy Leagues. They look for genuine people with life experience, credentials, and courage.

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Most ambitious and meritorious students typically have all the qualities to get into the Top Schools. What they lack is a structured and methodical way to build and align their life experience with what Top Schools want.

Take a look at the MIT culture snap above. Take a moment and check – which criteria apply to who you are and what you have achieved so far?  Can you also substantiate the impact/outcomes with evidence and action? Do you have the recommendations to back it up? 

Altus is about building the next phase of conscious education for high school students. Traditional education systems and structures cannot and will never provide because of boundaries, rules, and limits imposed on student imagination. 

Altus is unconventional. We connect and align – who students are, what dreams they have, their college of choice, and what they aspire to be in the industry of the future into a “Hands-on” project-based learning model to expand their imagination, solve problems, create real impact through their creativity in this world, get the recommendations and build professional networks needed to get into the top schools and careers, be entrepreneurial and be financially free. We focus on a bigger continuum – Life!

Quote from Einstein- " A students mind is not a container to fill, but a mind that needs to be ignited"


Do you have a strong determination to succeed? Are you disciplined? Are you a dreamer? Are you willing to work hard for it? Are you willing to be impactful? Are you coachable? Are you willing to follow your heart? Are you willing to be a leader, and who is financially free? Do you want to change the world, build a better tomorrow? It starts with YOU and your WHY!

The BIG question is – are you willing to rise “higher”? It starts there! It’s about your heart, mind, and guts. Be different! Steve Jobs and Bill Gates were different and unconventional! They had a strong WHY and BELIEVED in it. 

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If there is one reason, yes, just one reason why student leaders need to believe in us is – we fit into the student instead of the student fitting into us.

That’s what makes us unique, and that’s exactly why our coaching process is so unconventional and eventually drives results. Even if you cannot pivot into the college of your dreams, you will win the bigger game of life. You will be part of our alumni program, and we will coach you to succeed in life even when you are employed. This is a program for life! 


Teaching Methodology


We follow the Harvard Business School Executive Education model for Leadership. It is experiential, hands on, collaborative and based on continuous mentorship and coaching.

We Follow the MIT Culture for Technology, Industry and Impact.

MIT's hands-on, project based model, system thinking, design thinking and problem solving culture is what we adopt and drive.



If there is one reason, yes, just one reason why student leaders need to believe in us is – we fit into the student instead of the student fitting into us. That’s what makes us unique and that’s exactly why our coaching process is so unconventional and eventually drives results.

Even if you cannot pivot into the college of your dreams, you will win the bigger game of life. You will be part of our alumni program and we will coach you to succeed in life even when you are employed. This is a program for life!


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The mission of Altus Education is to build 1,000 student leaders in the next 10 years. This is not a commercial venture for Altus to become rich, although we will charge fees post your admission to the program to cover costs. Our mission is focused on building student leadership of the future and we have no interest in becoming anything else.

The last thing we will ever do is to make this a grandiose commercial venture without a purpose. That’s why we only cater to select students. We want to be a Ferrari and Lamborghini in the field of our work, instead of being a Toyota. Thank you for understanding our mission.  Altus Education founders / coaches make a living with successful careers, and thus this isn’t a commercial venture, but a vision.

We hold ourselves accountable to our mission, and we will hold the student accountable for their mission in equal standards. 


We Become Your Mentors and Guides

Students of today are highly intelligent and smart because of their exposure to information. What they don’t have is the “Life Experience”. 

We mentor and guide them. Thats the difference!

( Watch the 2 minute Video, that explains the philosophy )

We adjust our program based on their personality, dreams, ambition, career goals and their will to follow their heart and passion. We fit in to who they really are. 

NOT the other way round!

Students of today will have to think 10 years ahead because of the “obsolescence” of  skills and thus jobs. It will be a different world when you graduate.The old rules are dead. Welcome the New World.

Prepare! Be Unconventional! Reinvent Yourself!

Suggested video to watch: You will learn the changes in the Industry and Technology.  The Educational Institutions are also changing with the times, thus faster you understand the new way of college admission, career planning and the future of work – the faster you can leapfrog.

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